What Happened to Creative Writing?

Today, I random thought popped into my head. Why don’t I write anymore? I don’t mean writing like posting blogs, I mean creative writing. When I was younger I used to write all the time. I lived for the poetry and short story units in elementary school. English/Literary arts was always my favorite subject. I loved writing and creating stories. I used to be so good at it. The poetry that I wrote in elementary school was more upbeat and happy, if I remember correctly. In middle school my poems were more about pain and my insecurities. I remember showing one of my poems to my friend Timerra and she teared up a little. After sixth or seventh grade, I lost my ability. I would want to write and when I tried it didn’t feel the same. Things didn’t come spelling out of my brain and onto the paper anymore. The river of ideas in my mind had run dry. It was so hard for me. Failing attempt after failing attempt made me start to hate writing. I loathed having writing prompts in my English classes in high school, because I couldn’t think of anything. It was the absolute worst feeling every. I don’t know why I stopped writing. I’m sad that I stopped. I feel like I’ll never be able to write like that again. Maybe it’s because I’m not going through the same things that I was going through back then, or maybe I just grew up. I feel like if I try to write right now, it would feel weird and I would have no clue where to start. I wanted to be an author when I was younger and now I can’t even imagine doing that. Maybe some dreams aren’t meant to come true, I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

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